;;교차점 찾기(defun wall_intersectwith ( s1 s2 key / obj1 obj2);(princ s1)(princ s2)(setq obj1 (vlax-ename->vla-object s1) obj2 (vlax-ename->vla-object s2) newPt (vlax-invoke obj1 'intersectwith obj2 key) );;벽시작에 트림 및 연장newPt) ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------;;1101 ;;s1객체의 p1 p2로 이동하기 (교차점이 있는것 확인하기 어려워 그냥 2개다 이동:결론 1개점 이동됨)(defun ent_move_point (s1 p1..
리습 검색 결과
Vlisp에 있는 아주 획기적인 방법인데, Vlax-Curve 라는 함수가 있는데,라인류에 대한것은 Lwpolyline,(2D,3D)Polyline,Line,Arc,Ellipse,Circle,Ray 등의Object(Vlax-Ename->Vla-Object Ename)의 여러가지를 지원해줍니다..Arx와 아주 흡사한데요..함수들을 나열하면Vlax-Curve-GetArea ;;; 선의 면적Vlax-Curve-GetClosestPointTo ;;; 선상의 가장가까운점 Vlax-Curve-GetClosestPointToProjection ;;; 프로젝션별 선상의 가장가까운점 Vlax-Curve-GetDistAtParam ;;; 해당 Parameter 별 거리Vlax-Curve-GetDistAtPoint ;;; ..
:vlr-cancelledThe modification of the object has been canceled.개체 수정이 취소되었습니다. :vlr-copiedThe object has been copied.개체가 복사되었습니다. :vlr-erasedErase-flag of the object has been set.개체의 지우기 플래그가 설정되었습니다. :vlr-unerasedErase-flag of the object has been reset.개체의 지우기 플래그가 재설정되었습니다. :vlr-goodbyeThe object is about to be deleted from memory.개체가 메모리에서 삭제 되려고합니다. :vlr-openedForModifyThe object is about to..
(defun c:aa (/ Sel EntData PolyObj TextObj ReactList Pos); by T.Willey from http://www.theswamp.org;| Adds a presistant reactor to a polyline object that updates a selected text object to the polylines area in square feet. You will have to have the subs loaded in everydrawing for it to work, so that it know what to do with the reactor, because it is saved with the drawing. Saves the association ..
;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------;;;;program : 이철희;;d a t e : 2015.05.;;리액터사용 (XDATA 사용안함);;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------;; 문자계산;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------;;||[Link해제( ree )]^C^C_ree;;||[숫자 + Link( == )]^C^C_==;;||[숫자 X Link( ** )]^C^C_**;;||[숫자 / Link..
(defun c:ee1 (/ ) (setq BlockObjs (vla-get-Blocks (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))) (vlax-for it BlockObjs (princ (vla-get-name it)) (vla-item BlockObjs (vla-get-name it)) ))블럭이름가져와서 비교(if(vl-catch-all-error-p(setq name(vl-catch-all-apply 'vla-item (list (vla-get-Blocks AcDoc) (vla-get-name s)))))(setq name(cdr(assoc 2(entget(vlax-vla-object->ename s)))))(setq name(vla-get-name s..